Chipotle Near Me

Chipotle Near Me

I would like to find Chipotle Mexican Grill nearby. What should I do to locate Chipotle near me open now?

You are in the right place, simply follow the instructions provided on this page and you will discover how simple it is to locate Chipotle restaurants 24 hours in your area.

How to find Chipotle nearby

1) Use Chipotle branch locator

Visit the store locator at the official website of Chipotle at, click on “locations” and enter your exact location (i.e. zip code / city /street address etc…), here is how it looks like:

Chipotle Locations Search - New York City

Once entering your location, click on ‘Enter’ and you will see the most up-to-date information about the closest Chipotle Mexican Grill restaurant, this information includes hours, phone numbers, catering options and a button to order online.

Chipotle Broadway Restaurant Information - hours, phone numbers

2) Explore the map

Explore the Google map of Chipotle places near you. Zoom-in to see more locations by clicking on the ‘view larger map’ button.

View larger map

Chipotle Mexican Grill Locations

3) Search this site

Search for the nearest Chipotle restaurant to you in the search box provided by Google on this page below. Here you can see what are the topics people are searching the most:

  • Chipotle Denver
  • Chipotle NYC
  • Chipotle London
  • Chipotle hours
  • Chipotle menu

Those are just the most popular search terms related to this topic, try to search for the closest Chipotle in your city.

Chipotle opening hours

Most of Chipotle locations are open 7 days a week, from 10:45 AM to 10 PM, please follow the instructions to find a restaurant nearby to view the hours of operation.


This website is not associated with Chipotle or with any of the other fast food restaurants mentioned on this site. We are providing up-to-date information about good places to eat fast food and Mexican food etc…