Find the top Takeout restaurants in Muncie, Indiana near you now.
Italian restaurant
Address: 304 W McGalliard Rd, Muncie, IN 47303
OrderTakeout restaurant
Address: Ball State University, L. A. Pittenger Student Center, The Tally Food Court @, 2000 W University Ave, Muncie, IN 47306
Academic department
Address: Ball State University, North Dining 201, 1525 N McKinley Ave, Muncie, IN 47306
Pizza restaurant
Address: 1424 W McGalliard Rd, Muncie, IN 47304
ReserveFast food restaurant
Address: 3110 Wheeling Ave, Muncie, IN 47303
ReserveTakeout restaurant
Address: Ball State University, Studebaker West Complex, Micro Café @, Muncie, IN 47306
Address: Ball State University, Bracken Library, Bookmark Café @, Muncie, IN 47306
Takeout restaurant
Address: Ball State University, Thomas J. Kinghorn Hall, Tom John Food Shop @, Muncie, IN 47306
Mexican restaurant
Address: 3901 N Broadway Ave, Muncie, IN 47303
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