About this site

Welcome to Places to Eat Near Me! Founded in 2004, this website was created to provide information and reviews about restaurants and dining establishments in major cities across the USA, UK, and around the world. Whether you're looking for a restaurant in your local area or while traveling, our goal is to help you find a good dining option quickly and easily.

What You'll Find Here

Whether you're in search of a hole-in-the-wall gem or a high-end dining experience, you'll find a variety of restaurants featured here, ranging from those known for their quality dishes to fast and affordable options like burgers or pizza available 24/7. Simply use our search functionality, enter your location (e.g., zip code or city), and discover nearby eateries and fast food joints.

Restaurant Information

On this website, you can find details about restaurants, including their hours of operation, addresses, contact numbers for reservations, and, where available, maps and images. While we strive to provide up-to-date information, please note that details such as opening hours and contact information may change over time. Links to official restaurant websites are provided whenever possible.

Why We Created This Site

Many people search for nearby dining options, and this site was created to simplify that process, allowing you to explore cuisines, foods, and drinks in your area with just a few clicks. We encourage you to share your reviews and recommendations for eateries you love, as we're constantly adding new restaurants to our database.

Site Structure

Places to Eat Near Me is organized into multiple sections and subsections, with main categories including local restaurants and fast food chains. Under these categories, you'll find subsections such as American restaurants, Chinese cuisine, vegetarian options, and popular fast food chains like McDonald's and Subway. Our site structure is designed to make finding a restaurant online convenient and straightforward.


In addition to our restaurant locator, our blog features articles on topics such as healthy eating, fast food prices, and more. Visit the blog to explore a variety of food-related content and stay informed about dining trends and tips.

Suggest a New Restaurant

If you'd like to add a restaurant to our site, simply submit a form with all the necessary details, including descriptions, menus, and images. We'll do our best to review and approve your submission within 72 hours.

Site Updates

Places to Eat Near Me is regularly updated with new dining options, but please note that we cannot guarantee the accuracy of all information on the site. We recommend checking the official websites of restaurants for the most current details.

Meet the Team

Our team consists of webmasters, staff, and site visitors from around the world. Our mission is to provide relevant and up-to-date information on great dining experiences, focusing on top-rated restaurants in major cities.

Get in Touch

Have questions or feedback? Feel free to contact us via email or through our social media channels. We value your input and strive to make this site as useful as possible.


Still have questions? Check out our FAQ section for answers to common queries about using the site, finding restaurants, and more.

Future Plans

We're constantly evolving and improving our site. In the future, we plan to enhance search functionality and expand our restaurant listings globally.

Special Thanks

We'd like to express our gratitude to all the visitors who have supported us along the way. Your feedback and support motivate us to continue providing valuable dining information.

Final Notes

Thank you for using Places to Eat Near Me! We hope you find our website helpful, and we welcome your comments and suggestions. Contact us anytime, and happy dining!

Contact Information

Email: info@places-to-eat-near-me.com

*We aim to respond to all inquiries within 72 hours. We appreciate your patience and welcome suggestions for improving the website.


This website is not associated directly with the restaurants shown on this site and not responsible for inaccurate information, please take it in consideration and check the information in other reliable sources.