The Firehouse Restaurant

The Firehouse Restaurant Fine Dining Sacramento California logo

The Firehouse is a fine dining restaurant located in Sacramento, California 95814.

If you are searching for a family dinner with delicious food, The Firehouse restaurant are offering fine dining dishes with fresh local ingredients and an extensive wine list.

The place was opened in 1853, today it is one of the top rated destinations to eat in Sacramento, CA. If you like steaks, the ‘bistro steak sandwich’ is recommended.

Desserts at The Firehouse Restaurant

For reservations call: 916.442.4772

Listed below are the opening hours of the business, their menus, a phone number for reservations, and a map of the place to get directions to The Firehouse restaurant in Sacramento.

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Opening hours

  • Sunday: 16:00-21:00
  • Monday: 16:00-21:00
  • Tuesday: 16:00-21:00
  • Wednesday: 16:00-21:00
  • Thursday: 16:00-21:00
  • Friday: 16:00-22:00
  • Saturday: 17:00-22:00


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