Parlor Steak and Fish

Parlor Steak and Fish NYC

Update: This restaurant is closed.

Parlor Steak and Fish is a high quality restaurant, where you can eat fish & chips and steaks in New York City, NY 10021.

Some of the dishes in the menu of Parlor restaurant are the Caesar salad ($13.00), Fish & Chips ($22.00), Parlor Cheeseburger ($21.00), and Bistro Filet ($35.00).

If you are located close by, you can order delivery using the website of the restaurant, the Slow Roasted Salmon ($29.00) is one of the popular menu items in their delivery section, as well as the Chopped Salad ($14.00).

View an image of the amazing food at Parlor NYC:

Food at Parlor Steak and Fish NYC

Restaurant's information

  • Address: 1600 3rd Ave, New York, NY 10021
  • Phone: +1 212-423-5888
  • Email:
  • Cuisine: Steaks, Fish and chips
  • Prices: $$$


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