Swapna Indian Cuisine

Swapna Indian Cuisine Atlanta Georgia logo

Swapna Indian Cuisine is an Indian restaurant located in Atlanta, Georgia 30339

The services they offer are dine-dine-in, carry-out and catering. It is an affordable place, the people are friendly and they will take care of your hunger nicely. So do not hesitate, visit this restaurant to have your next memorable dining experience while you are in Atlanta.

Food at Swapna Indian Cuisine Atlanta

On this page there is information about Swapna restaurant in Atlanta including their menus, booking, photos of the place, opening hours, phone number, street address and a map to get directions.

Swapna restaurant provides great Indian catering as well as food to take-out. For reservations call: (770) 956-7589.

Restaurant's information

Opening hours

  • Sunday: 11:30-21:30
  • Monday: Closed
  • Tuesday: 11:30-21:00
  • Wednesday: 11:30-21:00
  • Thursday: 11:30-21:30
  • Friday: 11:30-21:30
  • Saturday: 11:30-21:30


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