Peaceful Restaurant Vancouver, BC

Peaceful Restaurant

Peaceful restaurant is a Chinese restaurant located in Vancouver, Canada. Since 2006, Peaceful is one of the top leaders Chinese restaurants around Vancouver, their menu is based on northern Chinese dishes (See more details below).

Peaceful restaurant Vancouver accepts orders from 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM daily and offers free food delivery to the area (call: 604-559-9511). Below there are details about Peaceful restaurant including their menus, a video of the place, hours of operation, phone number for reservations, street address and a map for directions to Peaceful in Vancouver.

Restaurant's information

Opening hours

  • Sunday:16:00-21:00
  • Monday:16:00-21:00
  • Tuesday:16:00-21:00
  • Wednesday:16:00-21:00
  • Thursday:16:00-21:00
  • Friday:16:00-21:00
  • Saturday:16:00-21:00


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