Locanda Restaurant

Locanda Italian restaurant San Francisco CA

Update: This restaurant is closed.

Locanda is an Italian restaurant located in San Francisco, CA 94110.

The place is beautifully designed, Locanda Osteria Bar is a great place to eat pasta in the afternoon or in the evening around the area in San Francisco.

In the menu you can find snacks, pasta, antipasti, grilled food and more types of authentic Italian dishes. Their pasta is one of the must try dishes of San Francisco. Reservations are accepted via phone call: 415.863.6800

The food at Locanda Osteria Bar SF

Here you can view information about Locanda restaurant such as their hours of operation, phone number, address, reservations and menus. For more information you can send an email to locanda@locandasf.com

Restaurant's information

  • Address: 557 Valencia St San Francisco, CA 94110
  • Phone: +1 415-863-6800
  • Email: locanda@locandasf.com
  • Cuisine: Italian food
  • Prices: $$$


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